COVID-19 & How We Are Keeping You Safe at Samson Stages

Hi there,

We know, it’s been a while! We hope you and your family are in good health. Some of us here have been sick with Coronavirus back in March, so we know it ain’t fun! We have all been through a rough patch but are thankful things are settling down. Hopefully, this pandemic will soon be behind us. 

Here at Samson we anticipate a strong surge in in-studio projects due to the controlled environment they provide. We are proud to say that we are more than ready for the rush. Together we can make your project the ultimate success.

Obviously, your health is our priority. To prove that to you, we are installing iWave filtering systems in our air ducts. Let me tell you a little about this wonderous technology. Basically, without getting lost in a bunch of scientific jargon, as the air travels over the iWave in the duct it destroys germs and other polluting particles like smoke and allergens. Bonus, it also helps control odor. But, the sheer brilliance of it all is that it does so without adding any chemicals or more unwanted substances to the air. Which means the air is literally as clean and purified as we can ever hope for air to be. In this way we effectively decontaminate any air droplets in the space.

We realize that although it’s a great start, more action is necessary. Here are some more of the safety measures and upgrades we have implemented:

  • For starters, because the setup times are taking a bit longer than usual and to maximize your safety, we have extended our day rates to include 12-hour days. We know being rushed and restricted cramps your style, and we want to help avoid that.
  • We have also installed an air economizer and a fresh air system at our HICKS stage. These systems provide a constant supply of fresh air and ensure that it’s properly ventilated improving the overall quality of circulating air.
  • We installed automatic touchless washing stations & automatic hands-free sanitizing dispensers throughout the studio.
  • Our space is large enough to accommodate social distancing. The staging area itself is wide open and allows for plenty of room to spread out. Additional public areas such as the cafeteria, makeup rooms, and reserved spare spaces, are all spacious, which is always a good thing… no one likes to be crowded ever, but it is especially relevant now.
  • Medical grade PPE is available at all our stages.   
  • Last but not least, we have acquired automatic sanitizing commercial-grade disinfecting spray technology that can be used on all surfaces.

Now, check this out… you’ll love it! If you reserve our stages for 3+ days you will get one pre-light day on us so you can stagger crews accordingly!

We realize that it is difficult to send agents down to see our place. Therefore, we are glad to accommodate virtual tours so you can scout the site from the safety and convenience of your own home!

We’re not done… We continue to tweak and enhance our space quality and safety policies at the recommendation of the industry and medical professionals. We look forward to hosting your next project!

Yours truly,
